A reading list on experiences of therapy
Therapists usually write the experiences of therapy that I have come across. One exception that I enjoyed reading very much is the ‘Words To Say It’ by Marie Cardinal listed below. She recounts her experience from a client perspective. I am always fascinated by the insight offered into therapist thought and feeling which accompany the description of relationships and, often, the healing process.
Engaging stories of therapy with individual clients.
Lapworth, P. (2011) Tales from the Therapy Room: Shrink-Wrapped, Sage Publications
This book accompanied the BBC Radio 4 programme where Susie recorded improvised sessions with actors who had been briefed to present with specific issues. These sessions were electrifying as were Susie Orbach’s reflections on her choice points in the sessions.
Orbach, S. (2016) In therapy: how conversations with psychotherapists really work, Profile Books
A psychoanalyst shares stories from his 25 year career in a thoughtful and jargon free way. I really enjoyed listening to these stories as the narration is well paced and the stories remained with me for a long time after I had finished listening to this audio book.
Grosz, Stephen, (2013) The Examined Life: How we Lose and Find Ourselves, Audible Audio book, narrator Peter Marinker
Yalom’s stories are so well crafted and his authenticity in sharing his experience of his clients is impressive.
Yalom, I (2015) Creatures of a Day and other tales of psychotherapy, Piatkus Books
Yalom, I (2000) Momma and the Meaning of Life: tales of psychotherapy, Piatkus Books
Yalom, I (1991) Love’s Executioner and other tales of psychotherapy, Penguin Books
A wonderful account of the impact of traditional psychoanalytic treatment on one woman’s life.
Cardinal, M. (1984) The Words to Say It, Picador
This is not an account of therapy exclusively but includes information on Saks’ treatment for schizophrenia.
Saks, E.R. (2007) The Centre Cannot Hold, Virago Press.
Casement’s books are not accounts of therapy but they include many sensitive summaries of therapy sessions to illustrate technical points.
Casement, P. (1985) On Learning from the Patient, Routledge.
Casement, P. (2014)Further Learning from the Patient, The Analytic Space and Process, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.